Bicycling is an excellent way to get some exercise and enjoy the sites around the area. While most bicycle rides successfully end without any incidents, there are times when a bicyclist may get into an accident and suffer an injury. These can range from minor to fatal, so safety must always remain a priority.
One primary hazard that bicyclists face is motorists. When drivers don’t watch for cyclists and infringe upon their right-of-way, crashes can occur. For this reason, drivers and bicyclists must be sure they’re paying close attention to what’s going on around them.
Head injuries are a huge issue
Approximately 22% to 47% of bicyclists who are injured suffer a head injury. These are due primarily to wrecks that involve a motor vehicle. These head injuries include contusions, hemorrhages, fractures and concussions. They can lead to long-term disabilities and even death, and they account for around 60% of these situations.
There is a 40% reduction in head injuries in bicyclists who ride off-road. This is attributed to the fact that they aren’t around vehicles. Additionally, these bicyclists are more likely to wear a helmet more often than other riders.
The chance of a head injury can be reduced greatly if everyone who bicycles wears a helmet. In the case of a motor vehicle versus bicycle crash, a helmet can also reduce the chance of a neck injury in the bicyclist. Neck injuries for bicyclists are rare unless they’re struck by a vehicle.
Other injuries can also occur
Other traumatic injuries can also occur when a car hits a bicycle. These include fractures throughout the body, including the face, limbs and ribs. It’s possible for the lungs and other internal organs to suffer damage in a bicycle wreck. Often, these types of injuries occur when the bicyclist lands on the handlebars.
Any cyclist who is involved in a crash with a motor vehicle should seek medical care. Contacting emergency services, if you’re able, can have the police and paramedics sent to the scene. Even if you don’t think you have a serious injury, having a medical evaluation is a good idea since some injuries might be hidden at first.
You may opt to seek compensation from the driver who struck you. This is done through a personal injury claim that’s filed in civil court. You can seek damages for the medical bills, missed wages and other items that are related to the crash.