Dooring incidents happen when a parked car's door opens into a cyclist's path, often causing serious injuries. These incidents can be dangerous, but cyclists can take several steps to protect themselves and stay safe while riding in urban areas. Stay alert while...
Bicycle And Pedestrian Accidents
Exploring the rise in pedestrian accidents in Georgia
Walking is a popular mode of transportation for many Georgia residents. Whether it is for commuting to work, exercising or simply enjoying the outdoors, walking is part of everyday life. However, recent data shows an alarming trend: pedestrian accidents in Georgia are...
Does my insurance cover bicycle accidents?
Cyclists in West Georgia need to prepare for the worst-case scenario. Though a relatively safe and healthy activity, bicycling is not without risks. In 2019 there were 805 recorded bicycle crashes statewide, according to a study conducted by the Governor’s Office of...
What to do after a car strikes your bicycle
Getting hit by a car while riding your bicycle is a scary and traumatic experience. If you do not know what to do immediately after the accident, you may not receive proper restitution. Taking the necessary steps makes a huge difference in your ability to receive...
3 tips for keeping children safe while bicycling
Many people of all ages enjoy riding bicycles. However, there are certain risks involved with riding a bicycle, even in an area that does not have much traffic. If your children love riding their bicycles, then it is important that they understand how to keep...
3 safety innovations designed to cut injury risk for bicyclists
Georgia bicycle enthusiasts enjoy fine weather for much of the year, so many ride frequently, even daily. However, if you belong to this group you know you must use extra care when riding around traffic. Here are three safety innovations designed to keep bicyclists...
Tips for sharing the road with cyclists
In Georgia, state law prohibits teen and adult cyclists from using the sidewalk. Drivers and bicycle riders are responsible for sharing the road safely to help reduce the risk of serious accident injury. These tips can help motorists make room for two-wheeled...
Bicycle injuries: the facts
Bicycle injuries are a major problem for individuals. Wherever there are motor vehicles and bicycles using the same roads, there is a potential for an accident to occur. People in cars have safety measures like air bags, seat belts and other safety gear, while bikers...
Did going to your child’s First game of the season end in injury?
If you're the parent of a Georgia high school or college athlete, you've likely been busy washing uniforms, shopping for cleats and otherwise getting ready for this year's sports seasons. From cross country running and soccer to basketball and volleyball, cheering on...