SUV rollovers are hazardous accidents that can lead to severe injuries. This is mainly because SUVs have a higher center of gravity, where their weight is balanced, compared to other vehicles. This point is higher off the ground in SUVs due to their taller design and...
Motor Vehicle Accidents
4 most common reasons car accidents happen
In the bustling world of roadways, motor vehicle accidents remain a prevalent concern. Understanding the root causes behind these incidents is necessary for fostering safer driving habits. 1. Distracted driving Distracted driving is among the primary culprits. When...
Proper ways to respond to car crashes
A lot of things can cause crashes. Speeding, failing to yield, drunk driving, tailgating and running reds are common issues. Whatever the cause, knowing the proper way to respond to these situations is essential. Try to avoid them altogether Ideally, the following can...
Safety tips for pedestrians
Pedestrians and drivers alike need to understand what it takes to promote safety. According to the National Safety Council, 17 percent of all traffic deaths in 2019 were pedestrians. Walking near traffic brings inherent risks. However, there are steps you can take to...
Vehicle crashes and the three types of distracted driving
Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that about nine people die and more than 1,000 suffer injuries every day in the U.S. due to distracted driving. You may normally be a responsible driver, but distractions are everywhere. There are three...
Why do a majority of truck-car crashes occur on rural roads?
It would seem logical to assume that most collisions between large commercial trucks and passenger vehicles happen on busy highways. Although there are frequent truck-car crashes on our highways and interstates, FMCSA data shows that many such collisions occur in...
Do you have to buy your child a new car seat after a wreck?
North Carolina law requires children under the age of 8 to be in weight- and height-appropriate car or booster seats every time they ride in motor vehicles. This makes sense, as these seats are highly effective at reducing traffic fatalities and accident-related...
3 common airbag-associated injuries
Along with crumple zones and seat belts, airbags have made cars considerably safer in recent years. In fact, between their invention and 2017, frontal airbags prevented an estimated 50,457 traffic fatalities. While your car's airbags may improve your odds of surviving...
Make sure your teen knows what to do after a vehicle crash
Like every other parent, you dreaded receiving a late-night call from your teen driver saying there had been a car accident. After confirming Mary is OK, you will want to meet her at the accident site. But first, does she know the steps to take after an accident?...
Three common car crash injuries and potentially costly treatment
Some injuries are obvious following a car crash and some are not. Some people, especially those without insurance, may be aware of an injury but hesitant to seek medical help. Here are three common car crash injuries that require treatment in order to prevent even...