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What are some winter-related slip and fall hazards?

On Behalf of | Feb 26, 2024 | Premises Liability

Winter brings with it a wonderland of snow-covered landscapes and cozy evenings by the fire. However, beneath the beauty lies a potential danger known as slip and fall hazards.

As temperatures drop and precipitation accumulates, it is important to be aware of the risks that come with navigating icy and snowy conditions.

Icy pathways

One of the most common winter hazards is icy pathways. When temperatures fluctuate, melted snow can refreeze overnight, creating slick surfaces that are treacherous to walk on if property owners do not clean them up. These icy patches often hide amidst the snow.

Snowy stairs

Snow-covered stairs pose a significant risk during the winter months. While the snow may appear harmless, it can quickly become compacted underfoot, turning into a slippery slope. Without proper maintenance from property owners, stairs can become a hazard for anyone attempting to ascend or descend them.

Poor visibility

Winter weather often brings reduced visibility due to snowfall or foggy conditions. Diminished visibility not only makes it harder for pedestrians to see potential hazards but also makes it more challenging for others to see them. When property owners fail to install lights in an area, individuals can trip and fall, seriously injuring themselves.

Winter’s icy grip presents a surprising amount of slip and fall hazards that can lead to severe health complications for individuals. By taking proactive measures to reduce them, property owners better protect individuals during the winter months. These owners play a role in promoting safety during the coldest season of the year.

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