The last thing you want is for someone to get injured on your property. The situation can quickly escalate if the third party decides to sue you for damages. However, their claim's validity would depend on several important factors. Duty of care Anyone injured on...
Carrollton and Cartersville, GA. Georgia Personal Injury Legal Blog
The “big three” conditions that doctors commonly misdiagnose
While people generally think of major surgical errors when they hear the phrase “medical malpractice,” a missed diagnosis or a mistaken diagnosis can prove equally fatal for some patients. Research suggests that every year over 100,000 U.S. patients die or experience...
4 places in the grocery store to be wary of slip-and-fall hazards
Most people do not worry about the risk of injury when heading to the grocery store. However, slips, trips and falls are fairly common in supermarkets. In addition to spills, freshly mopped floors and aisle obstructions from pallets or fallen products, certain areas...
5 Bicycle Safety Tips for Campus Students
Are you planning to use a bicycle while you are in college? Bicycles can provide convenient and cost-effective transportation, and help you stay fit and enjoy the natural beauty of your school at the same time. Make sure your experience bicycling on campus is safe by...
Pedestrian deaths on Georgia interstates on the rise
More than 1,500 pedestrians have died while walking on Georgia interstates in the past five years. The Georgia Department of Transportation urges motorists to remain in their vehicles while on the interstate. Why has the death rate increased so dramatically and what...
Understanding where bike accidents occur and why
Bicycling is a joyous hobby. Riders get exercise while exploring the outdoors. They also go places without spending money on gasoline or burning fossil fuels. The downside is that cyclists are vulnerable to injury. Getting knocked into by a car or truck can be...
Who is responsible for your child’s injury at school?
Many children stray from the watchful eyes of their parents for the first time when they attend school. Although a school's staff may take all kinds of measures to protect children from injuries, the occasional nick or scrape is an inevitable part of exploring the...
Safety tips for pedestrians
Pedestrians and drivers alike need to understand what it takes to promote safety. According to the National Safety Council, 17 percent of all traffic deaths in 2019 were pedestrians. Walking near traffic brings inherent risks. However, there are steps you can take to...
Does my insurance cover bicycle accidents?
Cyclists in West Georgia need to prepare for the worst-case scenario. Though a relatively safe and healthy activity, bicycling is not without risks. In 2019 there were 805 recorded bicycle crashes statewide, according to a study conducted by the Governor’s Office of...
Vehicle crashes and the three types of distracted driving
Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that about nine people die and more than 1,000 suffer injuries every day in the U.S. due to distracted driving. You may normally be a responsible driver, but distractions are everywhere. There are three...